CultureXchange is a knowledge and skills-sharing platform and a match-making tool, supporting a vibrant professional community dedicated to culture and creative industries in the EU partner countries.
A joint initiative of the European Commission and the Organisation of the ACP States, CultureXchange aims to be an incubator of ideas and projects and a hub where the stakeholders from the cultural and creative sector can connect, meet, interact and exchange.
CultureXchange works as a web-platform and a social media, where you can post topics, announcements, events, create discussion groups, contact colleagues and become friends. It provides you also with a specialized Library and Webinars space, where the main documentary resources regarding culture and creativity at EU and international level can be accessed, viewed and downloaded.
Take a few minutes to sign up and as a member of the CultureXchange community continue discussing on a viable cultural and creative industry in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries !